Picnic table 002


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Picnic table 002
Inspired by the traditional garden table, this set formed by the table and two benches is harmonious in appearance and robust in its construction. The Structure is made of galvanized carbon steel with the possibility of finishing in polyester paint. The table and bench planks are made of multi-ply wood treated for outdoor use, offering excellent resistance to the elements. This table acquires its personality over time. There is a version with electrical connections with outdoor connectors.
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Color Dark gray or Galvanized or White
Type 6 people or 6 people + plugs
Manufacturing carbon steel and multiplay board for outdoors
Finishes Cold galvanized, optional polyester paint
Dimensions 210 x 164 cm x 73 cm
Dimensions 210 cm
Author Designers Diego and Joaquín Briseño/Industrial Design Registration pending

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