Bike rack 009

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Bike rack 009
The bike rack 009 is an example, not only for its function and resistance but also for its manufacturing quality, its hidden anchoring, stylized figure and the vulcanized rubber joint that protects bicycles from scratches.
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Color Cast Aluminum or Black
Type Capacity 2 bikes or Detachable
Manufacturing Cast aluminum and vulcanized rubber
Finishes natural aluminum
Dimensions 90 cm x 30 cm x 12 cm
Author Industrial design No. 52583 In compliance with the provisions of article 409 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property, it is stated and made public knowledge that the product and designs reproduced below are protected before the Mexican Institute of the Industrial Property with registration number 52583 INDUSTRIAL PARKING MODEL FOR BICYCLES, whose owner is RODRIGO VÁZQUEZ ORTEGA; rights that are in force and having all their legal effects.

Sustentabilidad 2020

Contribuyendo a los esfuerzos mundiales en materia de sustentabilidad, el año 2020 en BKT mobiliario urbano marca el inicio de un compromiso hacia la sustentabilidad, añadiendo este componente a nuestra visión como elemento integrador de nuestra práctica. Queremos comprender los efectos que nuestros productos tienen a través de todo su ciclo de vida y ver de qué manera nuestra organización influye o está influenciada por las expectativas del desarrollo sustentable.
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